Friday, November 9, 2007

Why I am here

I have had numerous people comment on some of the awesom deals I always seem to find when I am shopping. I was told that i need to write it down for all to see the good deals I get and tell how you can get them too. I have been a bargain shopper for many years. I began cutting coupons and trying to save as much money as i can when I had my first son. That baby is now almost 13 and has a 7 year old brother. I have a good eye for deals and have been a self proclaimed shopaholic since birth. On my wedding day my dad told my husband "I am so glad that someone else has to foot her shopping bills. AND BOY ARE THEY EXPENSIVE." Little did my husband know that not only do I like to shop but contray to my dad's comment I am extremely thifty. So I plan to help other who like to shop or who just want a great deal now and again.
Now a little about myself. I am a mom of 2 boys and boy shopping used to be my only girlie outlet. I was looking for more female interaction so I became a Premier design Jewelry Distibutor because not only do I love to shop but I LOVE fashion. It helps that i make killer money selling jewelry, but I can support my favorite hobby of shopping. Besides being a mom and a jeweler i also have the best job in the world. i have a part time teaching position teaching computer to k-8 students in a Catholic school. besides being a mom and loving to shop I have always wanted to be a teacher. So I would have to say that my life is as near perfect as it can be. I also moved from a subburb of St. Louis and ended up on a farm. The one plus side to this is it is very quietand I don't have to deal with any neighbors. The downsid eis I am at least 40 minutes awy from any Great shopping malls, but Thank God for inetnet shopping!

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