Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Vicki's Secret!

Need a few anyone gifts? Right now at Vctoria's Secret dot com if you purchase any sweater you can get a scarf?gloves?hat set for free. You can also get a free set of lip glosses and $5.00 off.

Just put any sweater in your cart (I found one for 16.99)
also you need to add 3F 203514 Bouclé gift set

Then at checkout you use code
GIFTSET for the free Bouclé gift set
SHINE for the Coffret set (lip gloss)
and then use FA78137 to get $5 off your order.
I got 2 Christmas presents and a new sweater for $19.00 shipped.

If you have a VS credit card you can use the code: SP77753 to get $10 off but I don't have one so I didn't try it also try the code BAG50 to get a free VS bag. you have to use this code first because it is for when you spend $50 so they take into consideration the cost of the sweater and Boucle Set. Personally I couldn't get it to work but another freebie is worth a try.

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